Roadtrippin March 18, 2011
Lex is from Boise,Idaho,so we visit every few months to hang out with her super awesome family. The drive can be gnarly but we make the best of it by stopping to see friends in Salt Lake ,doin a little boardin, and stopping at every enticing gas station on the way.
Lex in the zone
Gas n’ Candy
This is me forcing Lex to let me take a picture of her but still blowing it on the focus
Still blowing it on the focus. The Zeiss 50 1.4 can be a real SOB
Lex’s footwear of choice.
I went night boarding with Lex’s brother Brandon and it was powmazing. Bogus basin is my jam!
April 29th, 2011 at 5:08 am
I MISS BOGUS! haha love it. especially the tractor shot – that cracks me up